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Who We Are?

5E's stand for Explore, Eat, Experiment, Experience, Enjoy which are our principles for "Must Eat".
What do we mean by these 5E's???
Explore in Perak
Eat delicious food
Experiment different kind of food
Experience varies taste of food
Enjoy the journey
Check out our blog~~~You will wanna be with us ,"5E's Around"

Saturday 2 July 2011

Kampar Legendary Food

Do you ever imagine that curry chicken can be stuffed in a bun?
Or, perhaps, herbal chicken?


 Now, Let us bring these to you.......
Kampar Famous Curry Chicken Bread
 & Herbal Chicken Bread


--The most well-known and established Chinese restaurant in town--

 Kam Ling restaurant has almost  40 years of history in Kampar.

Herbal Chicken & Curry Chicken Bread

The Curry Chicken Bread and Herbal Chicken Bread were created by the chef of the restaurant since past few years.
The ingredients of the Curry and Herb Chicken Bread known as a business secret.

There are 2 sizes of the Curry Chicken Bread and Herbal Chicken Bread
  • Regular (3-4 people – half chicken) 
     cost RM 22
  • Large (7-8 people – one whole chicken) 
    cost  RM37 
*The prices of both chicken breads are not fixed due to the market price of the ingredients.*

This is the famous Herbal Chicken Bread~~
The delicate fragrance of the herbs~~Yummy;-)

What a mouth-watering aroma~~ Just Grab it!

There is a layer of sugar on the exterior of the bread which 
brings out the natural smell of the bread and unquestionably,
complements the gravy very well.
Irresistibly delicious >.<!!

Try to imagine~~
The bread is FRESH-BAKED.....
The aroma of the chicken and gravy is

  What are we waiting for?!!
Lets start the party!!

wanna have a bite?

TADA!!! This is the highly-recommended Curry Chicken Bread~~
The chicken is well-cooked with the spices and curry,
and the spiciness is pleasantly acceptable by all customers, that's why 
it is soooooo popular.............. 

*The battle between beloved team members for the awesome food! Sigh...*

Are you hungry now??
Still eating your Tuna Bread??
It is time to try something new !!!

Delicious~~ Scrumptious~~
  Finger Lickin' Good!~~

He is the owner of KamLing Restaurant.
Thanks to him ,we are enjoying the delicious food .

The boss told us that…….
"Customer can reserve the Curry or Herbal Chicken Bread in the restaurant or through phone reservation.
The customer just have to reheat it around 3-4 minutes by microwave  "

Besides the Curry Chicken Bread and Herbal Chicken Bread, 
the restaurant is also selling other traditional biscuits.Such as Hong Kong style Egg Tart

Fresh from the oven..Mm..Mm..

The restaurant is clean and comfortable. All of our group member are satisfied with the service and the food is totally beyond to our expectation~~ Superb!!!

Business House 
5.00a.m. until 10.30 p.m. every day

Address & Contact Numbers 
No 105 & 107, Jalan Idris,
31900 Kampar,
Perak, Malaysia.
Telephone : 605-466 1174 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            605-466 1174      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 
Directions : Jalan Idris is the road parallel to the main road of Kampar town. If you’re coming from the north (ie: Ipoh’s direction), then Jalan Idris is on your RIGHT.


This is a dessert cafe,where students of UTAR and Ktar like to spend their time with their friends there.

The ambiance is soothing and relaxing as the lighting and decoration give us a feeling of sitting beside a beach.This is one of the owner's sensible thoughts of helping students to relax themselves after a busy and hectic day.

All the highly-recommended dishes with pictures is pasted on the wall .

Yam+yam Glutinous Rice Ball Ice Shaving

One of the most popular ice shaving in the cafe and the ingredients are mostly hand made .
The colour and aroma of this dessert is very attractive, and it tastes fresh and yummy.
The rice ball will only be cooked once you make the order!!!
(mostly the cafe will cook it and store in freezer - told by the owner)
The price of it only cost RM 5.80 and it is reasonable and affordable to get a bite on it
Besides that ,there are also other type of desserts and main course such as mango flavour ,original flavour ,
taiwanese style marinated chicken rice and ect.

Special Guest
There is another attraction in this cafe beside the desserts, which is........
 This dog is one of the family members of the owner ,it is already 8 years old and it is rather big in size.
It is the trademark of the cafe, so that every customer will remember the cafe when they remember the cute dog.

Business hour
5.00 p.m until 1.00 a.m.
*This restaurant will OFF  during special reason *

Address & Contact Numbers 
No 19 ,Persiaran Batu Karang,
Tmn Kolej Perdana,31900 Kampar,Perak.
Telephone : 017-5007266 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            017-5007266      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  (Danny) & 016-5025927 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            016-5025927      end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Chris Chin)


Amalia said...

about ur blog or that food? heee! if ur blog, so nice~ just love lagu jazz tu. and if the food, oke. rasa nak telan blog you . hehehe! looks yummy2~

dionne said...

the pic is quite nice and the elaboration of the food is quite detail also ,keep on with the hard work^^

Anonymous said...

erm..nice blog~~

bob tan said...

overall not bad ! nice food u introduced here ! hmm it will be even better if u standardize the font and photo size ^^ all the best ^^

Anonymous said...

hmmm~it was a nice blog...
clear, detail, nice....^^
overall, well done...
i like it so much XD

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.. Nice photos.. XD

TaeTyng Missu said...

Wow, the foods look like very delicious and i know it's really delicious!!
How i know?=p coz study at Kampar almost 1 year d =)
Very informative blog, list out the price, address and so on.
And the photo, background oso not bad, relevant wif the theme :)
Btw, u'r the 1st blog tat i read introduce bout Kampar foods, coz mostly they'll write about Ipoh, hehe, feel specialXD
Overall, U all did a good job, keep it on!!

mingju said...

wah~never know kampar got so many delicious food....must try if i go there...

Anonymous said...

Haha~~ by reading tis blog make me feel hungry haha ~~~!!But i think this blog still can me improve.
Below are my opinion and suggestion of the blog.

1)Since the assignment is about food ....I think that the article for the food should make it more bigger. The proportion between the Kampar Legendary food and the white space on the right side are almost the same.
2)The photo frame of the picture is almost the same. U guys can try to use different photo frame to show the picture of the food in order to attract the attention of people.But dont try to use too many~~ will affect the result XP
3)U guys can take more the picture of the food...and make it into a slide show~~

Anonymous said...

the photo very attractive... make me feel hungry...I really like those photo...hehe.....

Chuan Liang said...

Nice blog. Detail description. Feel want to go Kampar just for the food.

But the word colour, I do not know whether is my problem or ours, it is so close with your background colour. I have to highlight words to read the blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice Song~~ Nice Food~~ Nice People~~
Everything is just nice.

Anonymous said...

The food made me liu kou shui liao!

Anonymous said...

wow~What a nice introduction of food in Kampar. After i read all those description, i feel so excited and wanna try it immediately plus all the picture are taken so nicely. This is the first introduction to your blog and you all done it great. This blog must be very successful in the future. Good luck guys.^^

Anonymous said...

Overall the blog layout is ok :) just that it would be better if it doesnt have any bg music as it might annoy some of the readers. Another thing u cn improve is perhaps on the pictures of the foods. Try to upload in a larger size so that reader cn have a clearer view of it. Anyhow, nice try :D

Ong May Quen said...

very good!!!!!!add oil!!!!seem like wan go there liao!!!=)

Ong May Quen said...

Just the word i cnt read very clearly~~~=(

Anonymous said...

the blogger had gave reader enough information about the food,including the taste,price and also pictures that make readers feel like to try the food. However,i think that the background music can be improved.It is too soft~

KeNnEtH said...

Wells,u guys did do a great job for introduced the food and also provided enough information for food lover to find those delicious food.The theme and also the layout also suitable with the content..

Just that I have some comment about the photo:
1.I personally prefer different angle of photo like side captured photo.Can try to upload or captured photo with different angle as different angle might give different attraction...

2.For the ice photo,will the background a bit too dull?When come to dessert,it would be better if the background is more sunshine..cause when we having dessert,we will felt happy,enjoy and so on.

After all,this is still a nice blog to follow..keep it up ^^

Anonymous said...

very nice lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~
i want eat!!!
can let me join???
hahaha~~nice blog lahh~~

Unknown said...

nice blog with a awesome theme~
keep it on~gud luck guys~

raye said...

gambateh ne~~^^

Anonymous said...

hey, i like ur blog.. can feel the warm bsides food..

Anonymous said...

emm not bad ...such a colourful blog ^^ good

Shusiu said...

Feels good about the website~brown colour gives warm feeling to viewers~pictures are eye-ball catching~information are relatively detail~but there r space for improvement~here r some suggestions~
1)The colour of the paragraph should be contrast to the background colour so it will be more readable~(some colours such as white, yellow or other colour that is lighter and contrast to brown~
2)if possible can use thumbnails instead of putting the full size pictures~this way can reduce viewers'upload time~it could be more attractive if some flash effect are using~

TK Fan said...

I would say it is a very well-done job!
Credits for the photographer who made the food looks so tempting even in computer screen!
Besides, the written description is great! It tells us all the things we need to know.

Just a bit of suggestion from me regarding this blog entry. I would prefer a briefing in the very beginning of the entry stating what are you going to introduce in this entry. As I understand, there are two different shops in this entry, will it be better next time to classify them into dessert and main course category? Or simply put them in different entry will be ok.
As you put 2 shops together in an entry, a clear opening is needed to explain to the viewers.
I suggest this because I have difficulties making sure how many shops and dishes are you referring to. We have so many photos here which makes people lose focus on the word descriptions.

Maybe put a map to show the location would be more helpful?

Hope those help, in overall, I would give an 8 out of 10 marks!
Great job people!!Good luck!!

Jonietoh said...

Nice blog overall, but of course, there are things in which you can improve on:

- I think it's best not to insert background music, much because your main focus is to let people pay attention to your blog's content. In my opinion, the presence of background music might distract reader's attention.

- The pictures are nice, but I prefer a more simple and professional look, meaning that you don't add word bubbles or captions inside. Try to make your pictures look more original and natural without adding extra wordings. also, I have to agree with someone regarding the picture angles. Try capturing shots from different angles, perhaps you can have a few nice close-ups with lighter background, that kind of thing.

- I know everyone's not perfect here, but do try to check on spelling and grammatical errors. Always remember your readers may not necessarily be of a race only; you may want to cater this blog to everyone. Having the least spelling and grammatical errors would help make reading this blog more enjoyable.

Hmm, yeah, these are the things I think you can improve on. The picture I like the most is the Hong Kong style egg tarts; simple and nice-looking! Well, all the best then! ^^

suchata said...

i heard a lot about this curry chicken bun.i've tried them before and it really tastes good..*slurps* about the blog, perhaps, u might want to change the colour of the words.. very hard to read because your background colour is dark..

Anonymous said...

nice blog....but the colour of words may change to light colour....^^

Anonymous said...

delicious.. yummy ♥

but the tone of ur blog is kinda boring. btw, it did introduce me lot information of local food to me.

thx guys,
and good luck ~ =D

Anonymous said...

nice blog, will be better if the photo quality is high, overall quite good :)) keep it up!!

sss said...

there are more delicious food in kampar actually~dont juz focus on 2 shop.i dont a lot of ppl say the picture quite nice...what i think is...the 1st shop (the chicken inside the bun)...make me dont feel i will go to try it....not attractive...look not delicious....(my opoinion only la).i like the 2nd shop which is the dessert. look yummy~~attract me to try it~~^^ the background colour quite nice n i love the 1 which hav a lot of birds jumping around. but cant see clearly. music not bad~not too many word(great~). still can be improve~gambateh~~^^

xinyi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shaowen said...

very interesting!
but its very hard for us to read because of the font colour. but the contents are good :)
interesting photo :)

:*:dordor:*: said...

Nice blog nice music with nice food!!! fantastic~~Felt like wanna rush to kampar to have all of them...especially the ice shark's ice~~~looks so yummy! i think it tastes yummy too!!!
great one! Hmm...felt so hungry right now~hahahahaha~~
Overall is good!! keep it up~ and gambateh yo! teehee:)

doreen said...

Good information is given and well describe too. i would like to try out if i were in kampar~~~nice blog:)
It would be better if can put more than one music because before i finish 'enjoying' the food,the music ends dy:(~~haha! All the best ya!:D

Anonymous said...

wow the foods look so yummy! i'll pay a visit if i could :D

Anonymous said...

Overall well done...juz the font colour need to change to lighter colour..thats all^^

beebee5112 said...

wow~~ so much of delicious food in kampar,
next time u hv to bring me to try all of them when visit u,ok!

all pic is a bit dark,make it bright if possible.

Raeka·N said...

Curry chicken bun is quite normal as we can easily find it anywhere.. But the herbal chicken bun.. erm..! Quite interesting! I think I should have a try someday. Thanks for giving introduction and information! 5Es, bravo! ^^


all the best^^
aware of the tune color,make sure the background color dun clash with the post of the blog...

jiaming said...

1st of all, the blog nt bad bt the words cant see well. Better change the font colour or change the background colour as well. Gambateh la^^

♥ ELAINE ♥ said...

wow~ur blog made me hungry ><
btw..very nice =)

Anonymous said...

Well~I like most of your pictures!
your backgroud music!
Make me feel like your pictures are perfectly matched with music!

Hopefully I will be there 1day to enjoy these foods!
especially the egg-tart and the ice. seems like you are facing some trouble with the font is hard to be read...

"let's" means "let us"
"let's us" means "let us us"

Good luck!

siewlum said...

"use white pen write at A4 paper?" ><

my dear ur tone of color is not so match =3...

Anonymous said...

thats very nice!! after saw this feel damm hungry!!! +U....

Anonymous said...

Keith Lieu...
wow... fantastic... i like to eat... i like urs blog... i like all the thing urs post... work hard n recoment more yummy food for us...N pls, stop let ghee eat again... lolx.... jk*

Kath said...

i like the decoration of your blog, besides, the food of the colour is very nice~~
especially the ice shark~~

Anonymous said...

for me,
i prefer the 2 cafe dont mix into 1 post. for easier finding.
the try to get more angle fir the photo to make the food more tasty

Anonymous said...

herbal chicken bread look like very delicious ...
but the words cannot read clearly, because words colour n background colour not match....

WiNtSoN said...

Nice introduction and those photos are "delicious" =)
Full and complete information about the foods and the shop...
But i think there are insufficient captions for those photos and the font used is rather too messy due to some of them are in bold while some of them are italic...I prefer standardize fonts...^^
Anyway all the best and I am looking forward for your next post =)

Anonymous said...

very delicious~i like it very much~the description of the food is clear enough...the curry bread and the ice i like the most~keep it on.

chuin said...

the food looks like nice. all the food suit for Malaysian's tatse. The dog looks like so relax, it may help owner attract customer.....haha

~HaZ3L~ said...

haha nice blog!!!! i luv the photos in ice shark :))) after seeing the food, great temptation for me to taste it ^^

Anonymous said...

why the background colour is brown yet ur writing r brown colour too???the bread and ACB need to photoshop b4 u upload la...look really not tasty~sorry~no offence~

shinnyo said...

i like tat ice in ice shark, look tasty

Anonymous said...

nice content .. will be better if a map is included to help those who r nt familiar wif kampar to find it .. sumhow i think the background loyout loaded quite slow..LOL

Anonymous said...

Those picture for both of the herbal and curry chicken bun so so.. And not capture my attention..

Anonymous said...

The dessert were nice,
but still font of the page is not suitable to put on it....brown themes with brown words, hard to read.

Anonymous said...

it's good and all the food look so delicious, make me want go and take a try for it..

Jeffery Chan said...

1. Take of the music, no point for blogs to have music. Professional blogs/website dont have it too. Unless it gives u marks.

2. If u look into design concepts, PC fonts should be san serif. Making it so big and being in serif fonts makes it hard to read. Don't bold too much too. Check some of the font colours too, some colours do not have enough contrast. Don't italised the fonts

3. Too many pictures, making the whole website too "long" I have to scroll down A LOT of times to get into this comment page

5E Around said...

hi everyone thanks for spending time for reading our blog and also willing to give us your precious comment so that we know where to improve during the next post.

1.Feedback on background, front and words
(This problem occur is because mostly is affected by the browser. graphic card, loading time and speed of the Internet)

2.Feedback on pictures
(We will try to shoot the picture with different angles as suggested by you all on this issue, concern the photos background and editing process)

3.Feedback on foods
(We will introduce famous food on Perak and not just focusing on Kampar. Famous food from Ipoh will coming up next , stay tune with us)

Once again thanks for supporting and giving us your precious suggestions , we appreciate all this suggestions and will try to improve as good as we can during the next post.

J.NA. TEN said...

just a gentle comment, i have the hard time to view the bog, perhaps u guys can change to other background that is easy for the reader to read yr blog. overall the dessert really look yummy and I've tried it out ;)

Anonymous said...

actually, can dun use center for the article?
can use but not all using that, i suggest use left or rite, coz center 会令到有些字不协调, n the main points like prize, address, the product's selling point, etc. just use center as highlight.
Strongly suggest u all pls use others color to highlight ur main point! n make readers easy reading.

use too many TADA!! and "!!" d, n 都放在不对的地方...

can u all pls use the unedited photos to promote? coz as a reader, i not really like to c a edited photo, coz make me feel like it's fake n 不真实

Anonymous said...

is me again~
1 more thing, can u all change:

it will make more interactive to readers~


Anonymous said...

i dun like the background
the bread one n oso white color maybe can change to other coz look like unpro
photo is nice
quite nice actually
but ythe song wont replay 1?
gv the song continue n continue will better a bit
that all my comment
sorry if i say wrong
this all my opinion

edward said...

wow...varieties of nice food...nice blog too...likes the bekground music too...=)

Dewi Yuliana Binti Darwin said...

Nice blog...all foods look yummy..hope the background song can be replay the way, nice job!!

jaydee said...

oh oh~ quite nice, i love the music^^
but what i saw was katherine just keep eating one? never scare will become more fat mie? >.<
wakakaka^^ anywhere, nice blog and please treat the people who comment here to have some of the meal^^

evelene520 said...

they look tasty !!! Great info i've got. :D
look forward for your other posts. ^^

子雄 said...

Well, the delicious foods shall be shared to everyone. Indeed, I have never had them. Your guys can bring more about it.
There is one thing I should say, the background's colour should be bright as the current one darker till the words become blur.

tps said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

wow... very clear explanation...
nice background and the song also
can see put many effort about this blog...
conclusion is...well done...

sandy said...

hi friend your blog is awesome.. they way you presented is too good..

Anonymous said...

nice for the intro~

collins said...

wow~good job...keep it up

不具名的悲傷 said...

ermp, i like har mee at old town. :)

丽苑 LiYeUaN said...

wow~the chicken look like nice ler~
good ~
know the history after read jor~
nice job!!^^

Anonymous said...

hmm~all the food seems like very nice~! got chance must have a try there~!!
n can know more about this restaurant~!! good good~!^^