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Who We Are?

5E's stand for Explore, Eat, Experiment, Experience, Enjoy which are our principles for "Must Eat".
What do we mean by these 5E's???
Explore in Perak
Eat delicious food
Experiment different kind of food
Experience varies taste of food
Enjoy the journey
Check out our blog~~~You will wanna be with us ,"5E's Around"

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Happy Ramadhan Everyone~~

It is the Ramadhan Season!!
Have a look into our 
rich traditional cultures 

Ramadhan is indeed a month full of blessing, a holy month of fasting as ordained by the Quran for all Muslims who have reached puberty and who are able to keep it, and it is the fourth pillar of Islam.
It is a time of meditation, reflection and self-reformation, allowing people to renew and purify their faith.
To match with this special festival, our group visited the Old Town in Kampar to explore and enjoy the ramadhan food which is a must to have a try during this season in Malaysia.

First of all, we will introduce is the famous Malay traditional food
which is
Sound familiar right?
Now we are going to explore Lemang in Kampar’s Old Town!

There are 3 flavours of Lemang being sold in the Pasar Ramadhan of Kampar. There are original flavour, corn flavour and black glutinous rice flavour.
You may choose to enjoy the flavour that you prefer most!
Lemang is best eaten with some ‘rendang ayam’ as the ‘rendang’ can bring out the Superb taste of the lemang!

The Price
The prices for Lemang are as follows:
RM 2.00 for half a row
RM 10 for a whole a row
The price for the ‘rendang ayam’ is RM2.00 a packet.

Want to know more about Lemang?
It is made from: 
  • Glutinous rice (black & white) 
  • Coconuts (grated & extract the coconut milk)
  • Bamboo
  • Banana leaf
  • Salt
  • Sweet corn
The little history for Lemang

Lemang is a Malay traditional food and is made of glutinous rice and coconut milk and cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves in order to prevent the rice from sticking to the bamboo. The lemang is cooked using loads of coals and firewood.
Lemang is usually prepared for celebrations such as the Iban Harvest Festival of  Hari Gawai and is usually eaten with meat dishes such as ‘rendang ayam’ or ‘rendang daging’. Lemang is ubiquitous among Malay communities and is commonly eaten to mark the end of daily fasting during the annual Muslim Malaysian holidays of Hari Raya Aidilfitri and  Hari Raya Haji.

This is known as Putu~
In term of Malay Language, it is called as “putu kueh/putu piring”.
It is snow white in colour, pretty little bite sized, light weight, taste spongy. (~0~)V
Best eaten streaming hot when brought!!
Underneath is Pandanus Amaryllifolius which named as pandan leaf, it give Putu a sugary sweet fragrance~~ 
The rice powder used is mixed with sugar and sweet coconut filling.
If you bring RM10, you can buy 30 piece Putu~~ V(^O^)V

Next is Dangai~~
It made from sugar, coconut and pulut powder~
It only costs RM0.40 per piece and if you buy 5 pieces of Dangai, it only costs you RM2.00.

This is Tepung Gomak
which is made from brown sugar, coconut and green beans.
Don’t it look like a cosmetic puff ??
Tepung Gomak also costs RM0.40 per piece and RM 2.00 for 5 pieces. 

Our next spotted food in pasar ramadhan is Zul Popia!
As a Malaysian, for sure you will feel familiar with the word of Popia
Popia original came from China and is commonly called spring rolls in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan
Let check it out how they make this popia!

First, they place the popia skin and spread it with sauce.
Then, they put the turnip turmeric (sayur sanguang kunyik) , bean sprouts, carrots, cucumbers on the top of the popia skin.

After they’ve put all the ingredients on the top of popia skin, they start wrapping it.       
There are 2 types of popia which are fried popia and original popia (popia basah).


If you prefer spicy food, we recommend you to add on their spicy source which really suits to the popia.
The ingredients which are wrapped inside the popia is juicy and crispy with the sauce.
The popia’s outer layer is thin and soft which is made from flour….
The price of it whether is fried popia or original popia is only RM 0.50
It is reasonable to buy it!
You can eat it as a snack~
You may also eat it when you are walking around the Pasar Ramadhan!

I believe I can fly~
At the end...
I become a
Ayam Percik (splash chicken)
It is a traditional food from Kelantan
The reason they call it as “ayam percik” is because when chicken Is grilling over the fire, percik sauce is sprinkled or splashed on the chicken.
The Satay sauce is sweet and aromatic. It is coated with a pastry layer of smoky delicious sauce, which is orange in colour.
It give the “ayam percik” a unique flavour which is different from other chicken dishes.
However, you MUST try to eat ayam percik with Nasi Kerabu!
We strongly recommended the “ayam percik” to all of you
It is suitable for all people to eat it.
Price of Ayam Percik
Drum stick-RM 2.50
Chicken breast -RM 2.5o each
Chicken wing -RM 1.50 each

Ayam Golek Madu
The rosy red colout of Ayam Golek Madu after boiled

It is a very popular delicacy at the southern part of Malaysia

You can easily found this kind of stalls along the road side especially during the fasting season.
Ayam Golek Madu means that the chicken is coated with honey and turned over fire to roast it.
The sauce is made from coconut milk, brown sugar, honey, ground spices which are shallots, garlic, lemongrass, galangal, ginger, turmeric, cumin and fennel.   

The taste of the lemon grass with other ingredients is just finger licking good

Sedapnya~~~ v(*o*)v

It looks extremely rosy RED!
DON’T feel scared of the colour! Because the taste of Ayam Golek Madu is super duper delicious! You can purchase it at Pasar Ramadhan at the price of RM 3.50 each!

Having a cold drink is such a wonderful thing especially for those living in this tropical country
You can buy some cold drinks and when you are there
There are many types of drinks you can find at the Pasar Ramadhan!
Look at the below picture

Very colourful and attractive right?
There are lime juice, corn juice, honeydew juice, coconut drinks, orange juice, milo, longan, yam drinks……. and lots of other choices
Here we are going to introduce the most special drinks we found it in Pasar Ramadhan is Laichi kang!

This is Laichi kang!

It is made of plain shaved ice with sugar syrup, countable barley, bits of chewy jelly and a few slices of dates, cincau and biji selasih/ telur katak (it look likes kiwi seed jelly).
You will fall in love looking into a gorgeous refreshing bowl of Laichi kang.
Price for every type of drinks is RM 1.00 per cup and RM 2.00 per packet.
   Due to the peak hour is at 5.00p.m., the stall in the Ramadhan market will set up around 3.30 p.m. and the Ramadhan Season will end on 29th August 2011. Besides, the Ramadhan Season is mostly around September in average of every year.

After this  
stomach-pampered exploration 
Ramadhan food, 
it also comes to THE END of our journey.
Thanks for your  
attentions and comments 
towards our blog along this period, 
5earound appreciate it very much.
People, we LIVE TO EAT!!


Anonymous said...

good try and let's us know more about the culture in m'sia...
the food that u recognize makes me feel want to try it...
very clear description for the food..
overall...well done and keep it on..

leo said...

thanks for the efforts that you guys have make ,you guys list out the ingredient and price for us to know and also show us the making process ,well done

paige said...

wao first time know that malaysia got such nice food .Hope i can come and try while my backpack traveling next month . I am Paige from Australia

不具名的悲傷 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
不具名的悲傷 said...

there's some typo errors XD

Strawberry said...

The pictures are perfect! I love it! It makes me hungry when i just look at the pictures..

Anonymous said...

Nice food blog which is simple n nice and the information is very detail.this blog post make me feel warm and harmony of the Malaysia culture. peace and harmony! besides that, Malaysia is an unique country which multi-races live in peace and harmony and also Malaysian have an opportunity to celebrate each races festival like this post is main focus on Ramadan festival! It can make us know more about their culture and how they celebrate Ramadan~ WELL DONE!

Anonymous said...

pictures are very attractive, i really love it very much!!
the arrangement of food and drink are good,. there is snack in the beginning, then the major (chicken) and finally the drinks.
although i'm just reading the blog, but at the end i satisfying, it just like i tried the food liao.
Good Job^^

Anonymous said...

Malaysia best wif many culture and foods...and i am here...Selamat Hari Raya to all~

Anonymous said...

The black glutinous rice flavor lemang looks nice!

Anonymous said...

overall quite nice, the pictures very nice, clear and made ppl drowling..>.<
i love the 2 songs playing~~~
made me recalled bk the raya seasons in my hometown.^^
the background is abit plain, i think maybe can change to some colour related to ramadan or simple?

Amco said...

NICE !!! I LOVE IT !!!

sss said...

better than last one~i really love this~with the song, the food, the way to make those food~u guys was awesome~^^

amei said...

overal quite ok but i juz feel that the background abit plain

endless sky said...

mouth-watering... lol XD
some special traditional cuisines were introduced such as tepung gomak, dangai, which were unknowned to me prior to this blog post.

Anonymous said...

happy ramadan!!!
and satu malaysia.. ^^

Anonymous said...

after i read this blog, i was "searching" for the comment button..==''
ok finally i found it..
i love those songs which match with the theme.. i love those picture compare to the previous post, i think you all got change the photographer for this post.
over all ok.keep it on.

kian sheng said...

yea finally new post...
waiting for new food (hiak hiak haik)"devil laugh"
ramadan, i never went there before, but after seeing this post, aww~ many tings to eat..!!!
got many types of chicken, laksa, pudu~
looks delicious..XD"
i love the pictures,the pictures makes the "plan" blog post not that plan, and makes the post colorful...LIKE...!!!

jason said...

the plain background push all the pictures looks interesting, good idea.

5E Around said...

Thanks for spending time to visit our blog! Thanks for your guys comment and feedback. We are appreciate it very much. Thanks for those comment that our background is plain because of white colour. We will change it.Thanks to let us know and can improve our blog. Thanks for who praise for our blog!
have a nice day =)

Anonymous said...

aww~ light green for the background..

Denny Tan said...

sadly to heard that this is the end of yours journey.
however, lots of improvement did in this blog post.
i like the theme and the picture as you all design and capture!! good job and thanks for the detail of the foods!! well done !!

Kath said...

really like the food u all introduce~~
picture is clear and attractive!!
i like the shape of the putu!!!!!!
look like cherry~~~
mouth watering~~~~~
like x100000000000000

Anonymous said...

I never thought that Lemang got other flavor d...hahaha~
I hope that I will have the chance to try this food in Kampar^^
Good job^^

Anonymous said...

once i read your blog post, i can clearly found that, you guys very focus on the picture~~
compare to the last few post, this blog's picture obviously improve a lot~~
although it is not very high class food, but through the picture, it make me hungry adi!!

Elizabeth Lim said...

The foods look nice...n is a kind of temptation for us to give a try on it...could show us more of the food background stories ya^^

Harley said...

Nice pictures, and the descriptions are detailed enough. Really makes one hungry just by looking at them. ^^

Dewi Yuliana Binti Darwin said...

this new post is absolutely better then the previous one!!so many picture, colourful n really attractive!!improve a lot than previous post which was quite bored...the songs are suitable n cheerful...congratulations!!but got spelling error, at ayam percik guys type 'ayam persik' n not 'ayam percik'...the correct spelling suppose to be 'ayam percik'...overall, it is really interesting..

Jelly Fish said...

erm .... good post but i am wondering when the season will end and what is the business hours for the stall to set up at the new town that you mentioned??

Anonymous said...

Balik Kampung!
make me feel want to bck hometown to celebrate Raya with frenz! because it make me feel hungry!!!! mouth watering~ nice description and photo!!! i like very much~ simple and nice! feel sad is this is your guys last post T.T

mok said...

The price is cheaper compare to Penang !!!
the pictures are so attractive and the over all design is simple but systematic and nice looking.
What is the peak hour ??

Snee said...

the explanations are good and the pictures are pro !!
May i know which building near to that Pasar Ramahdan ??

Anonymous said...

before this, i feel like malay song is not nice, but when i read your blog post, i found that, the malay song you guys put in the blog very nice~~
good jod guys!!

Anonymous said...

A well written blog about the Malaysia festive seasons. Picture are attractive and the price are reasonable. The song posted is so suitable with the blog title. A great job in promoting the culture to us. Keep it up ! :)

Anonymous said...

simple background can make those pic more interesting

5E Around said...

once again thanks for your support, this post is to promote the unique culture and festival in malaysia , hope you guys can know more and enjoy our blog post


hmm,viewing this blog post,I really feel the HARI RAYA is coming very soon!!!!good job guys,share out those foods here..nice pictures here,makes me really wanna have a try on these foods.keep it up^^

Catherine Faith said...

Good job guys! Lovely blog being brought to "life" and you're making me hungry in the middle of the night right now..=P Clear illustration of pictures, informations and ingredients..Love them! Just some English grammatical errors here and there but overall, thumbs up! You're making Aidilfitri much more lively with the cultures being brought together..THAT'S 1MALAYSIA..;)

5E Around said...

Hello all,
thanks again to visit our blog.
here are the several answer that ask by the reader.

Dewi Yuliana Binti Darwin: thanks for correction.

Jelly fish: the stall will set up after 3.30 pm.
the season will end on 29 august of this year.The season is mostly around september in average of every year.

Mok: the peak hours is at 5pm

Snee:the Ramadan market is located near Kampar bus terminal building. if you stay in Kampar you may easily to find it.

Anonymous said...

Great blog ! Very precise explanation of those food,felt like trying after knowing these different kind of food and how unique it's made ! Can see that you guys really get real good detail which is those recipe,ingredient,taste,price etc. In addition , Those photo taken are amazing ! It helps big part in explanation ! Well done guys !

sivarubani said...

Well done friends!!!the pictures obviously makes my mouth drool..and the description is more than enough to make one to know well about the food and maybe we can even make it by ourselves..the pictures+the recipes+price+ingredients+not to forget the festive songs=encourage me to buy and taste them immediately..again..very well done.keep it up.i simply love it:D..selamat hari raya and happy holiday everyone!!

carmAn said...

Never know that a market will offer so many choices of foods~
Selamat Hari Raya !
nice theme!

MirulFiz said...

nice one....hee

LiangYi said...

xD nice job~ gambateh~ =D

路过 said... see the blog post i feel wanna go to the ramadan market to try all those food~~ really NICE...
The song is really suit with the blog post, i feel the hari raya mood...Well done ^_^

peace said...

the photos at there make me feel hungry!! through this blog spot make me realize that Malaysia got many type and style of food! appreciate it well.... thanks god that i am a malaysian! this is called 1 Malaysia! prove of it! i <3 Malaysia

silly said...

is it "ramadan" or "ramadhan"???
confused with tat..
u all using america english or british english?
coz i sa u using "flavor" which is america english..i think we using british english in flavour?

Anonymous said...

very impressive ..
more info to be learned..
keep it up guys! :)

Jaydee said...

everything is nice, the song is very suit for this Raya season^^
and Katharina dun eat so much pls =D

yeun hin said...

haha...nice work...1 malaysia....:)

Anonymous said...

when i see these food, i felt Hari Raya is getting closer~~Keep going~~!Next is mooncake???^^

Cassandra said...

wow! nice food! i wish i could hav some...

bleble said...

wah....look delicious...nice photo shooting of the Buka Puasa's food....

5E Around said...

Thanks to you guys for visiting our blog and give some feedback to us. Appreciate it very much =)
Thanks for silly that point out our mistake and let us to make some correction. Thank you! Have a nice day to you all. ^___^

boo said...

‎1. you should explain what the 5e stand for at the BEGINNING of the page, not at the END of the page, some more with little font. Suggestion: use blur water-colored setting for the welcoming photo, and write "5e AroUnD" with big font, and explain the title with small font, e.g. "Explore, Eat, Experiment, Experience, ..."
2. Dunno why the page can keep scrolling to the bottom without end... you should disable the scrolling when come to the end of your pages
‎3. "Archives" should be placed at the left panel of the page, not at the end of the page. If someone intend to find something to read, he can just simply find from the "Archives" at the left, and no need to scroll long long time to the bottom of the page in order to do so.

Anonymous said...

nice blog,
have a new place to explore since didnt bac hometown xD

Baka sen sen said...

^^ Detail & nice..i like it! Jasmine gogo!! XD 十扑十扑!!

Anonymous said...

nice ~ gambateh o ^^

Bradu said...

the music really add marks to this blog !!! like the food so much !!!

happiness life said...

wow u guys really make a lot of improvement for you guys blog and you guys this time use photo to get our attention and the blog background is simple and can bring up classical and the feel for raya festival! nice job! BRAVO you guys really use a lot of effort to do this! hope you guys all the best! n hope u guys still can recommend more delicious food in perak if still got chance!

Anonymous said...

made me feel wana to go immediately leh~~hungry~~@.@

5E Around said...

Dear all readers , there are some changes on the blogpost after we read through the comment and suggestion that mentioned. It 's helps us a lot in improving the posts.
We are here to thank all of your supports and wish all of you enjoy while reading the post.
Once again, SELAMAT RAMAHDAN to all of you and have a nice day !!

Anonymous said...

Nice and clear background,font, music and details~~ really give a good mood for readers to read~~

Criss Lee said...

Quit nice photo actually! All details are clear,u all done a good job.

jupiter said...

cannot imagine lemang got su
ch lots of flavours..wish to try it!
the songs very suitable wif the articles, like it!

pineapple said...

articles, green background and raya songs well-matched and brings out the feel of it!!^^
photos quite attractive!
just the intro of group and group picture used too much space, made ppl lazy to scroll down. it takes time. if the internet connection down, reader will not scroll down n continue to read. tis suggestions frm me.

5E Around said...

Thanks again to all of you for spending your time to visit our blog and thanks for give feedback to us.
Pineapple thanks for your suggestion, the intro of our group and group picture actually is our group identity and to let the readers know that what is our purpose to form 5Es around group name and what we going to do regarding to the 5Es stand for.
Happy Ramadhan to everyone!!!
Enjoy the day and have a wonderful day!!!

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up for this post. Nice pictures and clear description.

StranGemini said...

Selamat Hari Raya kepada kawan Melayu. Haraplah semua orang boleh menikmati Hari Raya tahun ini dengan makanan yang enak >~<

saYANG said...

One of the most detailed and intricate information on our own Malaysian food!! I'm drooling already!! Two Thumbs Up!!

chi min said...

So nice your blog. I love the ayam masak merah.

lional tan said...

Hey there, among the malay's food .I love the lemang. It so nice mixed with the rendang. Oh no, mouth watering ~~~

AnGeLiNe said...

Lolz.. Thx for the Raya feeling you gave me while i reading this blog. Really a nice blog and choice of songs. Great job! Selamat Hari Raya~~ ;D

Richard said...

Nice music background, nice template background, nice description,nice photo shooting! 1 word is awesome!!! i can feel the Raya is around! i love the food u guys recommend especially is ayam percik~ look nice!

shinnyo said...

wow, nice!!! feel want to eat that foods, seem delicious, and the drinks, can feel the raya is coming soon XD

Anonymous said...

i can see that u guys really put your effort in this blog from blog post 1 until blog post 3. you guys really make a lot improvement to show us that you guys really accept our suggestion to change it to get more improve. nice job guys! keep it up.

Jesslyn said...

Well done guys! nice food that introduce from you guys let me feel warm and happiness that our Malaysia is an unique country. the photo really attract me to have a try of all the food! your guys camera skill is good! the description of the food is detail and every food introduce got their own concept~ especially i like the starting - I believe I can fly.... part! nice try guys! gambateh!

5E Around said...

Dear all readers,
Thanks again for your comments!
Thanks for always support our blog and without you guys give us feedback and comment, we may not improve our blog.
Thanks that you all willing to spend your time to visit and tell us our mistake and give valuable suggestion to let us improve. Thank you so much and we are appreciate it much...
Wish you all enjoy it when reading our blog.
Once again, all our 5Es members are here to wish you all 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri'
Maaf Zahir dan Batin
Enjoy your day and have a nice day!!! =)

洋洋 said...


5E Around said...

Thanks for support! =)
have a nice day

Man Chua said...

the blog is clear and simple~
and throught the picture it really attract my eye sight
the background is comfortable when i read your blog~
the description is clear and straight to the point,
picture is well arrangement~
well done!!^^

5E Around said...

thanks for your comment!
appreciate it well!
have a nice day!